Check the The Phantom Pleasure Instruction Manual for more info on 404EVER.
Follow my new Phantom Pleasure Instagram account for more art.
← Previous Newsletter (26. Making History Out Of The Future)
Hello, everyone, I’m glad to be back again. I’ve been quietly working in the background while I recovered from a brush with death. I’m happy to report that I’ve fully recovered and will be quickening the pace of my output; for real this time. Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience, it’s been no fun. I’m sorry for these large gaps in updates! I promise I will post more of my work on here.
I’d like to share some new art with you, specifically regarding the Guideline Enforcer from the GOGG Republic, COLIN ATARI:
Colin Atari is the first antagonist to be introduced in 404EVER. He’s trying to retrieve the oldest Polycom, the mysterious relic known as the BIOSpear.
Basically, the BIOSpear is a memory card containing the original save file of GEO-CITY ONE. Colin wants it so he can reload the perfect version of the city, exactly as it was before The Fragmentation Error started to spread and corrupt the population with unpredictable character traits and other diseases. Currently, the total active user population is at 17% and dropping.
Despite his sadism and perversions, Colin does have good intentions for reseting GEO-CITY ONE, at least from his perspective. Until he has the BIOSpear, he’s implementing soft solutions for The Fragmentation Error and the dying user-base.
Because infected users have extremely unpredictable behavior routines, Colin seeks to use memetic warfare to trap them in a loop of safe and sanitized, impossible-to-achieve goals. To that end, Colin invented the invasive ads that are popping up all over Geo-City One, and some users are beginning to choose simulated (but alluring) struggles. And of course, he’s using Halo Lan as the face of this disgusting ad campaign.
And as Colin says:
“Fiction… The only cure for reality”.

I can’t say anything about how Colin is blackmailing Halo Lan into working for him without giving major spoilers, but I can say that it’s uniquely twisted and sadistic. It’s possible that the muscle and height stat-enhancing plug-ins are having a negative effect on his brain.
From the 404EVER Instruction Manual:
BIOSpear: An ancient memory card containing the original Geo-City One save file. This Polycom device would allow an approved user to format, edit, and reload the world to their specifications. Suze-An, the Tellus Forum, Colin Atari and others are desperately trying to get their hands on this relic before the Year Zero Error resets and potentially destroys Geo-City One.
Orphic Console: Empty, egg-like chamber surrounded by The Seven Templates at the center of the Tellus Forum. Was used by Suze-An to restore her dying lover, D:Arc to health when he was injured in the escape from the Gogg Republic. This unknown revival process also restored life support functions to The Seven Templates, the ancient founding members of the Tellus Forum. An empty memory card slot is built into the base of the Orphic Console, awaiting the return of the BIOSpear. FURTHER INFO ON THIS TOPIC IS CURRENTLY RESTRICTED.
The Frag: (Fragmentation Error): Mysterious genetic disease that’s been spreading through the Spawn Points for over a thousand years. No one knows how it started, and most users today regard it as a natural flaw in the system. When users spawn, they are given a randomized set of stats and abilities. Fragmentation manifests from ‘Q Traits’, which are unrecognized character stats that have somehow made their way into the genetic database. The results are unpredictable, causing a range of mental and physical anomalies. Some of these bizarre mutations can be beneficial (like boosted stats or growing polycoms out of your own body) but almost always result in an early death. The GOGG Republic is conducting research into the origins of The Frag, but for what purpose?
Polycoms: Ancient, sentient relics which actively maintain the stability of Geo-City One. Most Polycoms are outwardly simple machines, producing basic essentials like lighting and oxygen, medicine and nutrients, accessories and armor, weapons and tools. Internally, they are complete black boxes, no living user is able to open, edit or modify them. And considering the harsh restrictions against damaging Geo-City One firmware, messing around with Polycoms is a good way to speedrun your life straight to a bad ending. Lately, new Polycoms from the GOGG Republic have begun to embed themselves in the linkways and chat clubs in the Public Access Zone. They pop up everywhere, blocking your way, incessantly playing looped advertisements for GOGG Republic culture and lifestyles.
Here are some extra drawings. These are spoiler-free, unfinished pages from 404EVER Episode 01: THE PHANTOM PLEASURE SYNDROME:
Music I’m listening to right now:
I’ve been listening to Hirasawa’s music a lot these days while drawing. I’ve always been a huge fan of his solo and P-MODEL work, but for whatever reason it’s dominating my mind again. Like all good artists, Hirasawa can generate emotions; but he has a special way of making you fully feel and coldly observe those emotions at the same time. I guess it’s like being submerged into an ocean while wearing VR goggles so you can watch yourself going under from a third person view.
Hirasawa’s music incorporates many genres and styles. You’ve heard it in BERSERK, and many of Kon’s anime works (Paprika, Millennium Actress, Paranoia Agent).
If you want to hear more, here are some of my favorites:
FROZEN BEACH (Live recording, he is flawless onstage)
Anti Vistoron (With P-MODEL)
I could put a million more but if you like these, please check out his work. He is a true legend and if you’re an artist, I hope it will brighten your spark.
I’m working with an established writer for an upcoming sci fi noir graphic novel to be published. I can’t anything about it right now, but here is an unfinished concept drawing of two characters from the book:
I will be back soon, I wish you all the best.